Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Two works of genius from two of NZ's emerging Emo Poets: eyes_of_winter Blood Haet LOVE. You never understand Hate LOVE Blood when I say what I want Love Hate Blood EMO ------------------------------------------------- jenni_talula Late at night Midnight in the Dark I linger, in the cemetary No one will ever understand me. Midnight. Alone. I weep. I cry. I cry because nobody in the whole world understands me. At Midnight.


Jenni said...

omg I cant beliv u would steal my powetry like that man, i'ts not kewl ok?

I work really really hard to ecpress myself and you just stealz it like somesory of hater!!!!! U dunt unnerstand meeeee!!!!!11!!!!one!!!

*runs off crying*

Matt said...

You'll have to get used to it now that you've been 'discovered'. Now a worldwide audience can not understand you, but pretend they do when talking to artists at cocktail parties.