Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Well Met

Whew. Sometimes changing what you do at work can be very tiring. Last week I visited another school, and was charged with the responsibility of absorbing information rapidly for about 3 hours. It was intense, and really tiring. I was wiped out by mid-afternoon! Today, I was also out of the classroom for a lot of the day, but this time it was for a 3 hour long meeting to discuss ICT use in the school. 3. Hours. Now, I'm sure there are people who have 3 hour long meetings daily, and for whom they are not a challenge. But I was getting more than a little restless at several points in the meeting - especially when I felt we were making slow progress. Overall the meeting was great and some good stuff came out of it, but I suspect I became a little blunter and more forceful in my contributions as my patience wore down. I made many constructive comments, and am not worried that I was too pushy, but I definitely started to express myself in strong terms towards the end of the meeting. I kinda like putting ideas out in meeting type situations, as I always feel like I can back up what I'm saying, but am not so in love with my ideas that I won't listen to criticism. At least, that's how I see it ;) The end result was not a huge amount of tiredness on my part - not more than I usually have at this point in the week, anyway. But that's quite a bit in and of itself.


Seraph said...

Oh dear LORD - I HATE meetings ! And school environments are just freaking TERRIBLE for having screeds of meeting for NO real reason ! Whenever it's announced that there's going to be a staff meeting I just want to run screaming to the freaking hills ! Arrggggghhhh !

Matt said...

To date, there hasn't been a whole-staff meeting at my school in my time there. That's more than 3 years without a full staff meeting.

It's been awesome.

I volunteered for the ICT gig, so while I might complain, I can't really blame anyone but myself - although if I hadn't volunteered, I'm pretty damn sure my HoD would have put my name down anyway :)

Seraph said...

No staff meetings for more than THREE years ??? Bliss !

We have meetings at LEAST every month ... and that doesn't count House Meetings, subject meetings, year level meetings ( haven't had one of THOSE for awhile now - thankfully ! ).

I can't stand them. Ah well - I guess it could be worse. I can't think HOW right now - but I'm sure it could !