Sometimes saying lots of rude words is a good way to relieve stress. Not as good as taking a holiday, I'm sure, but as a stop-gap measure, not too bad. It's not a habit I indulge when at work, or often when at home. It seems that trying to get a computer to do something is one of the main triggers for my excessive use of profanity.
In other news, I spent way too many hours doing marking yesterday. And I have reports due this week. And more marking.
It's all highly tragic, though somewhat ameliorated by the holiday that's coming in 3 weeks. Of course, I have to work on the first 2 days of the holidays, but there are more days after that which I will be enjoying in a big way.
Lastly - I've been enjoying reading the forums for the 48 hour film competition. There's always a lot of lively discussion following the 48, and there has been some silly sour-graping this year (there is every year - no surprise when people slog their guts out for a weekend then disagree with the judges' decisions). I was a little rude to one such sour-graper: politely rude, but a lot more sarcastic than I usually am on a forum. It was fun, though not really productive. I tried to write in a helpful manner, with a little bit of a sting in the tail.
Anyways, this paragraph is after a pararaph that begins with 'lastly', so it really shouldn't have any content, or even exist at all. I shall simply end with a sad fact from today:
I left school so late today that it was too dark to read on my walk home.
Although ending on a sad note isn't really my style, so I'll say that the reason I left so late was that I was editing a show using Premier Pro 2. Multicam function is teh awesomes. Seriously - it's a huge leap up from old PP (version 7 - ie pre version 1). It took less than 2 hours to edit together 4 cameras worth of footage of an 80 minute show :)
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