Saturday, March 24, 2007

ICT: Computers will save us!

I have been profoundly professionally developed this week. I am a swollen vessel of professional goodness, and no doubt every student I teach is already reaping the benefits. I attended an ICT in Education conference on Tuesday (basically - why the internet is so powerful and important, even if you can't get your class into a computer lab or have access to the internet in your classroom; toys your school can't afford that are cool like interactive whiteboards and video-conferencing). It was OK, but neither as high-falutin' nor as practical as I had imagined it would be (neither inspirational nor useful. I'd hoped it'd be one or the other). Then I had more ICT PD (Information and Communication Technology Professional Development) yesterday, which was quite inspirational. I still don't have access to the internet in my classroom (despite having a laptop with wireless, and there being wireless routers all over the place), and I still have a hell of a time getting my classes into a computer lab. Last year I couldn't get my Year 9 students into a room with more than 13 computers in it until November. 13 computers is heaps, really, if you're working in pairs or groups. Except that the mini-lab is really mini. There are 13 seats, and about 2- 4 square metres of floor space (with a table in the middle) not taken up with desks and swivel chairs. It's a little smaller than the principal's office, and that's not that big. Still, I am now Living In the Future, even if I don't have all the modern conveniences that would suggest. It's a brave new world, that has such ICT in it.

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