We now live in our new house - complete with nice carpet.
There's a bunch of stuff still at the old house - probably in the neighbourhood of a carload of stuff in the kitchen area, plus lots of old boxes in the garage that we didn't use for packing. Hopefully we can get clear of the old place tonight - we have until Sunday, so there's no panic, but it would be nice...
Lots of unpacking to do at home. The good news is that there are only 2 days between us and the holidays!
We should have the phone on at our new place tonight - same number as before. So once we set the computer up, we'll be all internetty again.
There are a number of audiobooks that are in the public domain (creative commons recordings of texts that are in the public domain, like Sherlock Holmes) that I am interested in downloading, so that's likely to be on the menu for the near future.
Icy window on the car today - had to scrape it off with a kiwifruit spoon.
Congratulations from me too! Your seem to have managed a seamless and (relatively) painless transition to your new home. Am still working on those holiday plans.......
You've done so much stuff. I'm looking forward to cross-partination this satyrday so that I can see your fabulous new place! Yays!
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