Friday, June 30, 2006

Things to Do

A list for Matt: - teach 4 lessons - run 1 detention - finish cleaning / emptying the old flat (not much left to do) - get garage door openers installed - change 2 light switches - new light fittings for lounges - bank some cheques - get bill from lawyer to bank - redirect mail, pick up big stack of change-of-address postcards - book a video camera for the holidays - have a beer (at the end of today) - pick up last curtain from Lower Hutt - go home promptly for phone connection - enjoy holidays - duck home to pick up apples for shared morning tea period 2 Better dash!


Anonymous said...

Hi there dashing Matt. How domestic your list sounds - you will have earned the beer by the end of the day. Happy holidays!

Matt said...

It's not all stuff for today - some is holiday stuff :)

Anonymous said...

I only need "teach" two more classes and then it is home time....HOOOOOOOME TIMMME!