Thursday, April 20, 2006

Queen of a Kingdom of Biscuits and Sleep

Ah, holidays. A fine, fine time. Debbie and I are greatly enjoying the not-being-at-work. There have been many fun things so far, including:
  • A birthday party, complete with medical drama!
  • Several films and vids.
  • Boardgames and chocolate and visiting family
  • Text messages from Italy and England
  • Some sleeping in
  • A really nice vegetable soup
  • Choosing of birthday presents (toys!)
We have also had time to observe the sleeping patterns of our cat, and have noted that as the weather grows colder, the amount of time she spends not-on-the-bed becomes very, very small. We can go out for the whole day, and return to find the cat in exactly the same position. Now, she may have moved as far as her bowl to eat some biscuits, but the amount of cat hair that she sheds on the bed would suggest that that is the limit of her adventuring. She also lurks around in the morning and starts trying to push us out of bed at around 8-9am, so she can steal the warm bits of the bed. She will do charming things like lie across our feet, or walk up and down on the pillows (and our heads), or try to squeeze in between us and purr loudly in our ears. Hmmm, I think this is the most that I have ever blogged about my cat. Yay me!


Anonymous said...

Why do cats like to walk on pillows and heads so much? Every morning my cat heads for the top of the bed so he can stumble inelegantly around, trampling my hair and standing in my ear. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could stand in Regs's ear every morning. *sighs*

and Matt: this isn't going to become one of those cat blogs is it?