Friday, February 15, 2008

Currently Watching

Outrageous Fortune, genius NZ comedy/drama. We borrowed the first season on DVD from a colleague, and were hooked after one episode (really hooked after two). He's bringing the second season in shortly for us. It's a very funny, compelling show with a range of characters who are really engaging. Top class work - and only $28 a season on DVD at the Warehouse! Teachers - genius Brit comedy about high school teachers. My brother picked up the DVDs on special from, and it's fantastic to rewatch (and in the case of episodes we missed on TV see for the first time). Very silly, sarcastic, biting, and filled with vicarious pleasures :-) We're also watching House on TV (even though that means we've skipped a season), and will probably get back into watching Lost, several episodes at a time (it's a bit unsatisfying to watch in a drip-fed week-by-week way, but save up 4 or 5 episodes and binge every now and then and it becomes (for us) quite an enjoyable show). On the shelf, ready to go are the Family Guy Star Wars special (Blue Harvest), and the first two episodes of the Sarah Connor Terminator TV show (not, I think, a sitcom, but we shall have to watch it to find out).

1 comment:

Matt said...

Wait, the Sarah Conner Chronicles has River (Summer Glau) in it? Why did I not know this?