Friday, June 01, 2007

Weekend Approacheth

I have had an interesting week - a visit to another school on Tuesday, and lots and lots of classes to teach. I am very much looking forward to the weekend. I started up a wiki for my year 12 class this week, and had them adding pages for their research projects. It's been quite interesting - anyone can edit any page, so there were a number of silly comments on the first day, but by the end of the second day the few silly people had pretty much settled down and are using the wiki fairly responsibly. It's kinda neat. I told them that the school would probably have a school-wide system set up before next year (I suspect moodle is going to be that system), and that they were cutting edge. I also asked them to respect the wiki's hauora, and that if they wanted to pwn each other or write comments like 'ur gay' they should do so on Bebo, not the wiki. After stressing that there's no way to retrieve work, and that anything they save over is gone for ever, the few silly kids stopped changing each other's pages. I had to explain it a couple of times, but the move from 'hey, I can anonymously screw people over' to 'hey, stop anonymously screwing people over' was pretty quick (in most cases). It's nice to see teenagers taking responsibility for their actions, or controlling their behaviour on moral grounds rather than out of fear of punishment.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for some serendipitous professional development - I now know all about wiki - which I didn't before you blogged......Hope you and Debbie have a great QB weekend.

Matt said...

If you want to take a look at the wiki, it's

You might need the password to log in - it's our surname.