Friday, March 30, 2007

The horror... the horror....

Actually, there's little in the way of horror to lament. It's a sunny Friday afternoon, I have but two classes to teach before the weekend, and only... um... 13 classes next week? Short weeks are great. I am really looking forward to Easter-y goodness. So, what exciting things have been happening lately in the world of Matt? Well, that depends on how you define exciting... I bought a tablet and stylus for my computer, and have been playing with that a little this week. It's an interesting substitute for a mouse - very cool for graphics programmes, of limited use for applications where a combination of mouse and keyboard are used. One of the best things has been the ability to sit back from the computer with the tablet on my knee and draw. It's nowhere near as good as drawing on paper, but it makes colourising a little easier, and is a fun toy. Now that the fascinating story of my tablet has been shared, I suspect there's no follow up that could hope to match it. Perhaps I should talk about navel fluff? Or the speed at which my toenails grow? Well, on the subject of growing, I have been enjoying the TV show Weeds. Debbie and I are about half way through season 2, and it's a fun show. Very, very liberal leaning, quite profane and explicit at times, but good. Lastly, I have been playing with the school's spiral-binding machine. It's fun, when it works, and I now have a nicely bound printout of Best Friends, and one of Inspectres. This means the little hand bound booklet of Inspectres is kinda surplus to requirements, so I may give it to Hix (who also owns the pdf, but hasn't printed it out nicely to the best of my knowledge). Oh, and I've been torn between two 48 hour film festival teams - the awesome Jenni's Angels, and a local team mostly comprised of the Pink Ladies from Debbie's work. The local flavour has won out in the end, so I guess I'm going to be camera-person, co-editor, co-writer and driving-into-town-to-hand-in-the-taper. Neat!


Seraph said...

Hey man - I understand the 'torn' feeling. I have been feeling it too, though I figure it's going to be probably more fun to start my own team and actually DO some of the cool things ( even though I have no idea what exactly is going on ) for a change.

Go well in he competition, my comrade in arms !

hix said...

Tough decision; well done for making it. You and Debz will rock the Coast, I know.

And I'd LOOVVVVE that copy of InSpectres. Awesome!