Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Debbie and I have now captured to our computer the footage that will one day be Jenni's Angels Presents: ePHeMeRaL It's a pretentious art film that we shot on Saturday. It is themed around humanity's struggle against time, nature, my little ponies and explosions. It's a scathing attack on commercialism, conventional logic, and the island of Bermuda. We didn't hold anything back in our scathingness. We scathed like crazy. I think I will have to take my laptop home tonight, so that Debbie and I can both create our own versions of the film. I think there's deep meaning to be plumbed there, more than any single version of the film could manage. Ephemeral. Explosions.


debbie said...

The fireworks footage is pretty beautiful. We were think that the sounds would be good to keep for an explosion sound effect but there is excited talking and 'oooh - aahs' on every second of the firework footage, so I guess we can't.

IT was quite interesting to try to figure out the conversations that were going on during the fireworks display. There were sounds voice I could lcearly recognise (Fraser: "Wow! That came from out of nowhere!).

It give me an idea of how you do actually write a short film (or the start of a short film) that was just voice-over conversation of people watching fireworks. It would fit anything - murder mystery, romantic comedy, spy/thriller, random blanter.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sounds like cool fun, and I missed it!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all possible versions of Ephermeral, which is how I interpret the spelling in my unique, post-modern way. I feel that the footage is the kind that will evolve over time, giving us a very different edit in ten years than one you would do next week.

Beware. Explosions!

Matt said...

We have Version the First completed. There will be fine tuning of one or two bits, but we'll definitely have a version to show people on Friday.

I love it. Seriously.

It's 2 minutes 40 seconds long at present. I played with it some more during a detention I had to run today, and I agree that there's a lot you could do with the footage.