Friday, October 20, 2006

4 Minute Post

OK, bell will be going in about 5 minutes, so taking the time it takes to actually publish a post into account, I figure I've got maybe 4 minutes to get this written. Better not waste any time with extraneous or irrelevent details. Nope, cut to the chase and get to the point, that's the way to do it. No digressions, no beating about the bush (where does that phrase come from? Is it a hunting thing? Where you beat bushes to get ducks to fly out so you can shoot them, and beating around the bush is not producing results quick enough?). No dillying nor dallying, though what dillying entails I dread to think. No lollygagging (choking on sweets?), no shirking or slacking or simply procrastinating. Straight to the point. I like Darkplace. It's a good, good show. My shiny new DVD of Darkplace arrived yesterday, and it was sure hard to tear myself away from Debbie and Darkplace and Heroes episode 3 (which was also good) to go to roleplaying. My only consolation is that I got to watch Heroes last night (quite late, but what the hell), and that the weekend looming is a long one. There, that wasn't so hard. And there's now... 10 seconds to spare. And... publish!

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