Friday, June 09, 2006

Delicious Breakfast

The Year 9 form teachers at my school had a pre-school breakfast at a local cafe today. The cafe was kind enough to open early for us - we rocked up at 7:30am. There were all the usual cafe breakfast things on the menu, and they looked pretty good, but I decided to go with a Cajun Chicken Salad as my breakfast food of choice. Several people seemed weirded out that I was eating salad for breakfast, but, y'know, cajun. The other options that appealed were a kumara and chicken curry, and oddly nachos. I know that my breakfast tastes are not necessarily average, but I suspect that if more people tried eating full-on hot food for breakfast they'd be less scornful of freaks like me. The cajun chicken salad was awesome, by the way. Very delicious, and a great pre-school meal. We even made it to school more or less on time for the 8:30am staff briefing (I was one of the less, getting stuck at the school entrance waiting for 2 buses to get out).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Thailand they mostly eat the same type of food regardless of the time of day. I personally really like fried rice at breakfast time! I know other people think it is weird, but *they* are weird ;)

Mmmm Cajun Chicken.

Sad that Watchman is no good for school library. I think they have it at the regular library maybe? Erik bought a copy this year. I likes it!