Monday, April 03, 2006

Sensory Overload

This weekend was quite something. There was a nice balance of being at home relaxing, and going out and seeing cool stuff. Friday Lots of Chardonnay. 7 different NZ wines, with blind tasting and analysis (of a very crude kind. Comments like 'it really attacks the gum line' and 'plenty of tang in the sinuses' are not the most refined). Saturday A trip down to Wellington to have lunch, see a brilliant exhibition at the civic gallery, watch V for Vendetta, and then spend a highly pleasant evening at Jenni and Lee's. The exhibition is by an Australian artist called Patricia Piccinini. It's called 'In Another Life', and it's a mix of photographs (with cute/odd creatures photo-shop'd in), sculptures that were both beautiful and cute and creepy, and odd cute technology stuff like li'l baby trucks. I found it to be a fascinating exhibition, as it was masterfully skilleriffic, beautiful, and combined emotions of comfort, familiarity, the alien, and sadness. Quite moving, and incredibly impressive. Me liked it. V for Vendetta has leapt into first place of my favourite comic-book adaptations. It is teh awesome. And the fine company of people who happened to be seeing another film at the same time as us was wonderful, even if some of them did make comments about Jake and Heath using their flatulence for fart-fishing (like dynamite fishing, only you stick your arse in the water). Wedding photos were lovely. Sunday 2 episodes of Miss Marple (at about 1 hour 20 minutes each), plus 4 episodes of Lost (thanks J&L!), with breaks in between for marking (the horror!) and going for a walk. We ate soup, too, which was lovely. Monday Back in the saddle again. Just 9 more teaching days to go, and on one of those I'll be off on a course!


Anonymous said...

I am deeply envious of your having seen "in another life' - I have read two articles about it which included pictures and I would love to see the whole thing. Even as a biologist the amalgations seemed to make a wierd kind of sense.

Anonymous said...


I took Luke to see 'in another life' about a month ago. I loved it also. Anyway glad you enjoyed V for Vendetta - I loved it. More things should be blown up to classical music. It was weird being in the same movie theatre and not even being aware of it.

Anyway talk to you again soon.

Anonymous said...

Come to my birthday party on the 15th of April, check my blog!

Totally unrelated, but I'm trying for maximum exposure!

Matt said...

Sounds cool - we'll be there!

I am videoing a wedding that day, but it's a daytime affair (11am I think) so the night will be free for partying like crazy!