Friday, March 03, 2006

More Responsibilty?

It's an interesting question for me, whether I want to take on more responsibilty at work and claw my way up the ranks, or whether I want to take the most chillaxed approach possible. I rather suspect that I would never turn down an opportunity, so I am likely to end up being given further responsibilities if I can convince the people I work with that I'm worthy of the offer. Given that I have a pretty shamelessly self-promoting streak, combined with a veneer of humility, coupled with a fairly high self-regard, I have some confidence that people see me as being a pretty competent type. This follows what I was rambling about at J&L's wedding - my desire to break away from false modesty and self-deprecation, and be more congratulatory to others and myself. It also follows on from an arrangement where I'm going to be running a session with some senior drama students about how to operate video gears and editing software, at the request of the Head of Drama. Having been asked to film the production last year, and having done what seems to be regarded as a good job, I'm being asked to take on more responsibilities in that area. I actually think it'd be pretty awesome to have a position of Media Specialist or something at a school, where you get a little extra $ and a little extra time, and you train people in the use of the gear that's available, shop for new gears, and take a role in promoting the school. In many ways that's more appealing than the exhausting job of being a Dean, where you spend so much time dealing with students who really don't want to be there. At least the session with senior drama students should be fun, and they're likely to be a responsive group. Given that I do actually want to run a school at some point in the future, I should really be more committed and directly ambitious. However, I have a suspicion that I can probably do OK by improving my teaching, doing stuff about the place that I'm interested in, making sure people know when I do get things done successfully, and applying for positions that come up. And getting fully registered as a teacher would probably be good too :)


Anonymous said...

You can indeed - working ahead of the game and a global focus are the skill you are acquiring - and the most important ones in being a P

Idiot/Savant said...

Ambition is over-rated. But then, what the hell would I know?