Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Pesky DVD Software

 Pesky DVD Software

Harumph. The world of the PC is not being kind to me this week. I have a student video that I want to burn to DVD, and a variety of different problems are throwing themselves in my path. There are 2 computers with working DVD drives that don't have the requisite software, and one computer that should be able to do it for me, but keeps crashing when it tries to convert the files.


And there is a fully functioning, ready to go computer taunting me from the very locked library. I shall have to find a solution to this little problem shortly, as the disc has to be in the mail today.

There are also DVD drives that I'd like to buy, but they're out of stock until a mysterious date somewhere in October, so that doesn't help much either.

Ah well, a solution shall no doubt present itself, even if it is just to email the organisers and tell them that we're sending in a VCD, or a DVD on CD or similar.

Back to the problem solving!

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