Saturday, January 01, 2011

Brought to you by the letter B

First up is a photo of Dom on a bee ride, taken (I think) when he went on a farm walk at Lindale with his granny and mother.

Next is the ever-popular bridge over the Waikanae river. Strolling along the riverside, throwing rocks into the water (from the bank, not off the bridge), and seeing horses and plants and ducks is a lot of fun.

And lastly, bed. After a tiring day's travel down to Christchurch, replete with delays and gate changes and meltdowns and turbulence, Dom cooled off and settled in at his uncle's house with a bit of down time and snacks in bed.

1 comment:

Giffy said...

The bed photo is awesome. He is an indolent Playboy!

Where you guys at right now? Up for visits etc?