Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Fire Prevention Week

Today's story on Every Day Fiction is a rather silly little story of mine called 'Fire Safety'. Debbie has a story coming up in a couple of days which is also about fire. They're both part of EDF's nod to Fire Prevention Week :-) My story is here: http://www.everydayfiction.com/fire-safety-by-matt-cowens/ UPDATE: Debbie's story is up - http://www.everydayfiction.com/no-smoke-without-fire-by-debbie-cowens/ You can leave a comment and/or rating at Every Day Fiction if you like!


macow said...

Loved the story and did the voting / commenting thing. Debbie's food looked delicious too, and very professional :)

Matt said...

Thanks! The food was great - and the father/son day a lot of fun too. We were blessed with perfect weather which helped our outdoorsy plans :-)