Sunday, October 24, 2010

Censorship speech - Oct 31st

His Honor Judge Hastings is giving a 2 hour speech on censorship at the Wellington Central Library on Sunday 31st October, 1.30pm to 3.30pm, mezzanine floor. Assuming that's Bill Hastings he's a very entertaining speaker and, having been the Chief Censor for a number of years, knows his stuff :-)


Mashugenah said...

Sounds intriguing!

I've been doing a lot of reading on Film Noir recently, and one strand of argument that's emerged is that many of its distinctive features emerged out of working around censorship..

Unfortunately, I'll be in Palmy, running around after the hard candy.

Matt said...

I got an interesting documentary about Film Noir from Malcolm - The Rules of Film Noir. It's about an hour long, I think from the BBC, and covers a bit of the history of noir and its main features. It's a light overview but might be worth a look?