Thursday, July 01, 2010

Anthology preorders open

The 'Future is a Foreign Country' anthology is now available for preorder from Random Static Press. It's got short stories from a whole bunch of kiwi writers including Anna Caro, Matt Cowens (that's me!), Dale Elvy, J.C. Hart, Tim Jones, Ripley Patton, Simon Petrie and many others whose names I am not yet familiar with. The anthology is being released at Au Contraire, so they're expecting it to be in stock around August 2010. 


Unknown said...

Oh, very cool. I'm very impressed with you and Deb both getting published in books this year!

Matt said...

Thanks! It is pretty neat :-)

Luke said...


"Speculative fiction"? I have never heard that term before. Is it a trendy way to say fantasy and sci fi?

macow said...

Well done my son!!!! Very proud to be the mother (and mother-in-law) of such talent :)

Matt said...

Mum - thanks!

Luke - speculative fiction is all the rage. It is just like sci fi or fantasy, only more speculatively named :P

Luke said...

As long as it doesn't require you to speculate whether its fiction or not :)