Friday, December 11, 2009

Prizes given, year taught, time for a break

Just one more day of school, and it's the good kind - the kind with no students :-) Actually that's not entirely true - some days with no students are very, very mind-melting. Whole days of cross-marking and Professional Development, for example, are not really preferable to a good teaching day. Still, 9.30 - 12 is a good, short amount of time to have to be at school for and all I'll be doing is: 1. Dressing up as a pirate 2. Listening to a couple of farewell speeches 3. Having a quick lesson in how to capture DVDs onto the schools video-on-demand system (something I could probably work out for myself anyway, but it won't hurt to be shown how to do it) After about noon today, it's holiday time! Huzzah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...
