Saturday, July 11, 2009

Operation Bathblocks

For the grandmothers :-) 

Operation Bathblocks from Matt Cowens on Vimeo.


debbie said...

I like the way he nearly gets distracted by Kung Fu Panda on the TV every he goes past the lounge but still won't give up on the imprtant blocks in the bath mission. I don't know why he decided that day that every block had to go in the bathtub but it seemed very important at the time.

macow said...

HOw gorgeous! Just the thing for a tired grandma in Singapore facing 24 hours of no (or very little) sleep between now and Japanese appointments. He is a man with a mission alright!

Unknown said...

Funny! Like Debz, I love how he resists the lure of TV. Nothing will stop him from completing the mission! Nothing!