Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What I ate on Sunday

I've been meaning to do this for a while, and it was quite fun :-) I didn't photograph the cup of tea, hot chocolate or glasses of coke zero I had. Foods only.

Delicious Weetbix with lite milk and no sugar. It took me a loooong time to get used to eating flavourless mush for breakfast, but now I quite like it. And find it has flavour.

I didn't eat both these cheese and tomato tuna sandwiches. One was for Debbie :-)

I have two apples and a banana every day at school, and most weekend days too. I often have more than one mandarin.

Small amount of dry roasted peanuts.

Mmmm, beef and potato and kumara korma with onion and cauliflower. And basmati rice.

I ate half this fruit platter. Debbie and I have fruit in the evening every day, usually 4 or more types of fruit. This one even had two types of grapes. Nom nom nom.

Result? 200 grams weight loss.


Unknown said...

I *love* fruit salad. I can't say fruit platters because then Beau likes to go on and one about how I love platters (this is due to me complaining about the ridiculously large number of platters we have).

Anyhoo, I got quite in to fresh fruit salads in Cork as our flatmate made them for us sometimes too.

Beau's mum also makes an awesome warm/ cooked fruit salad. So. Good.

Matt said...

Agreed - fruit is delish. Debbie is planning to make a special trip to the shops to get more fruit as last night we ate the last of the watermellon, pineapple, nashi and mandarins.

Need more fruits!

debbie said...

Am I? Ooops, was that something I said in the morning because I'd forgotten all about it.

I suppose I should go forth and fetch fruit then...