Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not as different as I thought...

Hmmm, I thought this would look more dramatic. I guess I avoided or deleted bad photos a year ago. Still, I look fairly different to the way I looked last April holidays...


macow said...

Dramatic enough my son!! As well as the difference being clearly visible in this comparison all your recent photos also look stunning. Well done you!

Matt said...

Thank you! I might have to take a look at your photos from April last year, see if there are any that show just how big I was back then. Assuming I didn't delete the less flattering ones straight from your camera :-)

Jon said...

Hey Matt,

I'm still keeping track of you nad Debs and Dom through your blogs, but have been meaning to catch up for some time now. I'll try to remember to drop you an e-mail and arrange a catch up!


Unknown said...

Neat photo :) I think you are looking good and that you did then too.