Hmmm - it's been a while since I updated. The last week has been quite busy in one way or another. Debbie has been fighting off a yukky head cold. Lots of blocked nose, sore throat, feeling unwell horribleness. Dominic had his first cold this week too, though not 'til several days after Debbie's started. It could be the same cold but if it is Dom's wee body fought it off a lot faster as he was only sniffly for a couple of days.
He had his 15 month jabs on Friday so I took the day off to stay home and help out. The worst part of the jabs was probably the waiting around. Dom might not agree with that statement but he seemed to recover from the needles quite quickly, but was forced to wait about 30 minutes before and 25 minutes after and got quite frustrated that we weren't letting him race out the door and romp around in the sunshine.
He's started letting go of support, and even took a couple of steps towards me yesterday no-hands, so once again we're thinking walking's not too far away. We've been thinking that for at least 4 months now though :-)
Our house is currently slightly tidier than usual as we had visitors yesterday. We're going to try to keep it tidy as my folks are coming down next weekend! Should be awesome.
We took the camera to the park yesterday to see if we could get a fwe photos of Dom feeding ducks but the ducks were too lazy to get out of the water and a bunch of pushy seagulls ended up swarming the place and nicking half the food. So we'll try again another time :-)
Dom walking - in little shoes!
1 day ago
Awesome picture of the two of you guys, also, Colds Suck.
I agree, lovely photo! We are really excited about the weekend :)
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