Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Insanely Busy

Prizegiving next week. Working very hard. Not eating junk food this week. Making progress with work. Lost 1.5kg so far since Sunday. Bored Debbie with approximately 3* random outbursts of school-related verbiage. Goals for next week: 1. Successful senior prizegivings 2. Reach 83kgs (currently 83.5) 3. Enjoy evenings and not tell Debbie too many boring work 'stories', where story = any random crap I remember about databases, lists, spelling of kids' names etc. Looking at that list, not boring the hell out of Debbie may be the biggest challenge :-) I think I'm sitting on 50/50 with my 'anecdotes' at the moment, with half of them being actual stories, occasionally even amusing ones, and hald of them being things like "I think it's interesting that the names for prizegiving are typed up three or four times to go in different placeszzzzzz...." I will occasionaly relate a story about 'polishing the boss's bronze owl' with sufficient double entendre to make it worthwhile. *maybe it's more like 30?

1 comment:

Matt said...

Today I had a headache when I woke up, it went away for a while after breakfast, came back in the mid-morning, went away after lunch briefly, and is back for a long stay now. I am hoping it will depart after dinner. I am also hoping that the after-school meeting is not too long.