Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Hurricane Dominic on the loose

Dominic's application to join the Evil League of Evil is now up on Youtube. We will probably post it on vimeo soon as well, so interested parties (ie grandmothers) can download the file, should they wish to:

EDIT: - downloadable version

We had to cut a bit of backstory which didn't really fit in, about a fight between The Hurricane and Father Time, accompanied by his sidekick Baby New Year. Baby New Year, without a nappy on, unleashed his 'fountain of youth', which turned The Hurricane into the baby seen in the video. It was a cute joke, but too slow to set up/explain. The pictures I drew for it are kind of neat though:

And the revenge plan:


debbie said...

The vimeo versaion looks way nicer. People should watch that one.

Anonymous said...

Will do. You are all (everyone involved, including Dom) very gifted!!! Living in your heads must be fun.

Anonymous said...

The drawings are *great*!