Sunday, September 07, 2008

New video

As promised here is footage of Dominic mischieving about the place:
September 2008 Dom crawls from Matt Cowens on Vimeo. And mum - you can download the video from vimeo, it's only about 20mb :-)


Unknown said...

Awesome! Kinda scary how mobile he is now. Also, Debz seems to totally be rocking a bob... Am I wrong? The pictures are unclear.

Matt said...

She is indeed rocking a mighty fetching bob :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the extra information for mum (and Dad) who i knew wasn't listening when I asked if he wanted to see what Adam, Lynda and I were doing :-). i will sit him down tonight and he can enjoy his own private viewing of a very busy Dom :-).

debbie said...

I had the haircut after getting one too many painful experiences of the baby grabbing fists full of hair to chomp or launch food into. He also liked to grab hairties and yank ponytails so tying it back didn't help so much.

Shorter hair is great. Far easy for the busy mum lifestyle. Don't be surprised if I've shaved my head in a month or two...

Unknown said...

Debbie: I am currently loving my bob so it's great to have other people share the joy. You are not the first mum I know to have had a hair cut due to grabby baby. Matt's ponytail seems to have survived intact though.

Matt said...

Individual strands of hair have been gleefully pulled out, but the majority of it is still there :-)

The next encouraging factor for me to return to the short haircut I had at TCOL will be a hot summer! Well, that and an embarrassingly receding hairline would do the trick. So far so good on the not-going-bald front though...