So, I applied for two promotions this year, and I didn't get either of them. One was HoD English, and the other was Assistant HoD English. I did, however, get a pay rise to the same level as Assistant HoD, and was given the title 'Associate HoD'. What does that mean?
Well, it means that the school didn't want to have to choose between the top 3 candidates for a job, so they found a way to give the job to one person, but give recognition to the other 2 top applicants. Of course, the other 2 applicants (me and a friend of mine at school) are both taking on other non-English responsibilities (deaning and prizegiving), and may well have been eligible for the pay rises anyway, but it's nice that they've given us each a new title and told us very explicitly that they want us to be part of the management structure.
I'm particularly happy that my responsibilities next year look like they'll be bigger without being overwhelming. Commensurate with the extra pay, most likely. Of course, teaching's not a career that is hugely highly paid anyway, and management roles are pretty tough and time-consuming, but I'm pretty positive about next year.
And I'm thinking about making myself an 'Associate HoD' badge, to flash in department meetings when I say
"Check the badge, buddy. I'm pullin' rank. You don't like it? Take it up with the HoD."
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Associate HOD is a very cool title and well deserved. And THANK YOU so much for the beautiful flowers - my 60th birthday is going very well indeed.:)
AND THANK YOU FOR MY COW, STAR AND DVD :). My star is in the Crux constellation and is called Elibendom Major - and I can edit to add further grandchildren as they arrive:)My cow is ALSO called Elibendom and is sitting beside my laptop on my desk.
It was a GREAT birthday :)
Yay! Glad to hear the gifts arrived intact. Elibendom is a bit of a mouthful, but the name sounds like it might get even longer in future :-)
We did consider being cheeky and putting 'Happy 80th Birthday!' on the flowers, but decided that might not be appreciated ;)
That is sooo awesome! You were voted most likely to become principal at our end of year TCol thing (whereas I had dubious awards for library promotion and babysitting!)
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