Monday, July 23, 2007

Scan today

I have reached 48,000 words. Mayhaps I will try to reach 50,000 today? I don't want to exhaust myself though... Also, today be second scan day. Yays! I must miss a meeting after school to go - oh noes! he he. Now I go to prepare Asttle test for period 4. See me go! woosh!!!!!


Matt said...

48,932 by the end of the school day. Non-contact lessons are good :)

Matt said...

49 281 at 6:30pm. Just killed the character whose death we nearly see in chapter one.

Time to have a shower and wash my hair. I'll probably write during Desperate Housewives, so hope to be done by 9:30pm.

Matt said...

Today is day of many self comments.

Scan say baby has penis. I think this means it is probably a boy. Yays! That was totally in my top 2 gender choices :)

Anonymous said...

Lol. What was your 3rd choice??

Also, awesome writing work!