Friday, March 09, 2007

Gaming Weekend!

I am very excited about this weekend. A sunny, relaxed weekend of RPGs with good folks - bliss. I am about to start writing my relief lessons for Monday - just in case I'm too wiped out to make it in to work. Chances are fairly high ;) I am very impatient, though. It's hard to concentrate on cerebral tasks, which makes planning hard to do. I have the attention span of a teenager - quite literally, I suspect, in that I was happy to print out, trim, cover and staple a copy of Inspectres, and then repair a copy of 'The Silver Sword' (by photocopying a page from another copy and cellotaping it into the book with the missing page), neither of which were short tasks. But they were physical tasks, of the kind that teenage boys can happily concentrate on. Gah, even my typing is bad. Brain not work good. Manual tasks are acceptable, thinking be hard. Buh.... 1 non-contact, 1 lunch eating supervision, one lunchtime, one Y11 Alternate English class, and 1 Year 12 English class to go. Roll on 3.30 I say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EEeeeee! I'm excited about coming up tomorrow.

Unfortunately the visual verification box is showing a red cross, so I'm going to have to pretend I'm in a wheelchair to post this comment.