Friday, February 16, 2007

I meme a book meme.

Since I am curious to see what the words are (and whether I've read far enough to recognise them yet): (from Mash's LJ) "and let them go to page 123 of the nearest book and transcribe sentences 5, 6, and 7 onto their blogs." For his part, Tom Leyton remained silent and remote, yet a little of his initial apprehension appeared to have subsided. It wasn't until the beginning of the second week of the holidays that the door opened once more into the private world of Tom Leyton, and it was to be the secrets lost in the cluttered room under the Leytons' house that would provide the key. By this stage the silkworms had more than doubled in size and even with ten shoeboxes they were becoming overcrowded. Huh - 2 pages past where I'm up to, but no spoilers. That's good. I should be finished reading The Running Man shortly - I plan to read a few pages whilst walking home today.

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