Sunday, October 01, 2006

Popular Picture

Well, the Moviefest awards have been and gone. We got 3rd in the country for the amateur category, which is pretty cool. There were some good films in the screenings, and some very happy winners on the night, which was cool. Debbie has blogged (in a restrained manner) about the judges' comments. There were 3 judges, and one was nice but boring (and critical of training institutions for film), one was upbeat and inspirational but talked for about 20 minutes longer than he needed to, and one was a bitter little man who totally missed the mark. Debbie covered the salient points elsewhere. Suffice to say, the award ceremony ended up being quite painful to sit through. One amusing comment made by the MC Jo was that there was one photo in the Moviefest photo competition that was getting a lot of hits - 300, which is many more than any other photo. It's this pic. There's a similar photo of Lee (not Lee in the same outfit, Lee in his own superhero outfit), but it has only a third of the hits. Go figure.


debbie said...

I don't think it's much of a mystery. Jenni clearly had a few fans in the audience who recognised her.

Pictures of cute girls in pink with bunny ears (and rubber spiders?) are highly downloadable.

Anonymous said...


I think it's the hint of Debbie in the background that everyone's into.