Debbie and I have been thinking that we'd love to see some new comedy shows. We had a little look on amazon UK last night, and there are several shows we're now curious about. Not quite curious enough to buy them outright, but maybe if we could sample an episode first...
One is called Darkplace, a parody of low budget 70s SF shows. Another is called Nathan Barley, and has Julian Barratt in it. Lastly there was a parody of 1980s TV shows that are about the amazing Science of the Future. I forget what it was called.
Yeah, so we'd be very keen to see some new comedy shows. It's nice to have something you feel compelled to watch. We did start watching The Wire, which is definitely not a comedy show, but we remain ungripped half an hour in. There is a comic level of profanity, which was mildly off-putting. It's not like I got offended, but I did find myself laughing at some of the dialogue as it was so OTT profane:
Tough cop: That's fucking right, motherfucker. Get that fucking shit to the DA ASAP.
Another tough cop: Fuck that shit, you lousy fuck. Those fucking drugs are making the DA chew my ass off, and I don't fucking like that shit.
1st Tough Cop: Shit fuck ass shit!
The creator of The Wire talks about how he wrote the show to emulate the pacing of a novel with a extremely slow build. Things don't REALLY start happening till 5 minutes before the end of Ep 1.
If you're gunna give up on it, I'd recommend watching the rest of Ep 1, and half of Ep 2. By that stage, you'll be able to judge whether it's for you.
Or, not. Whatever. Personally, I feel I haven't talked up The Wire enough - especially its classic 'working the murder' scene in Ep 4.
I am pretty keen to watch some more - not sure whether Debbie is or not.
Good morning. This is a random thank you for a lovely weekend. Your hospitality is superb, buzz is fun and the drive both ways (speeding ticket excepted) very smooth. have a great week!
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