Friday, March 10, 2006

Weekend Now Please

Mmmm, the weekend is just around the corner. Just one non-contact, one detention and 4 lessons to go. I am decidedly keen for this weekend to arrive. This weekend Luke and Sam and Debbie and I are looking to take a tentative step towards restoring a fantastic tradition of the Mega Roleplaying Weekend. I only attended one of these, but it was a pretty awesome experience. The system as I had it explained to me was that a whole heapin' bunch of people headed to a bach for the weekend, and gamed like crazy. Everyone had to bring something to run, and everyone had a lot of fun. There was some amount of drinking, running around on the beach, and general shenanigans, and people sleeping (or trying to) on the floor in cramped conditions. And a lot of roleplaying. There was even a cool larp run by the esteemed Mr Sands at the MRW I went to. I played a fake ambassador from Achach-achachach, who was actually a priest of Mammon. It was a lot of fun. There was even a tribe of mini-Pitts running around. As a step towards or homage to the MRW, we're doing a cut-down, old working people type version. A bunch of people, several games, bbq, sleeping over, but not so full-on as the days of old. I am greatly looking forward to it - it should be a blast! I'm going to be prepared to run something, but will happily just be a player. Especially if I can get into Jenni's I Know, Right? game :)


Anonymous said...

I will book you a place in I Know, right?

Also, which MRW were you at? I can't think which one you would have been an ambassador for. What was I playing?

Your blog wants me to type yoczoib. This is my new favourite word.

Matt said...

The larp was a fantasy game run by Mike. Mark was running around dressed like a scotsman, with a big hammer. Matt White had the power to 'crush mens hearts' so long as he pulled a face and held up a crushing hand type gesture.

Mark would gain the strength of 20 men if he drank from his magic chalice.

I think there was a new King being crowned, or something?

Other than that, there was lots of gaming and drinking. I don't remember you being there, but then I don't remember you not being there either.

Anonymous said...

This was 'The Crowning of King Aethylred' where new King Dan Steadman had to figure lots of shit out. Jenni was the Queen, I think? I was the devious and perverted Baron who schemed and stuff. 'twas a cool game. This was way back in '96 I think...

Unknown said...

Man, I don't really remember any of that stuff about the game. It sounds like it was fun, though.

In other signes my memory is going, I was sure you were at more than one, Matt.

Anonymous said...

'The Crowning of King Aethylred' Megaroleplaying Weekend was held 20-22 of February, 1998, just over 8 years ago. I know I've got a short writeup of it somewhere but at present I can only find the Black Newt Rising and Fistful of Doleros writeups, both from '97.

Matt said...

Now that I think about it, maybe I went to 2 MRWs. I have a feeling that maybe I was at one where I was too drunk to play in a live game?