Monday, February 21, 2011

At the beach (again)

With many thanks to Debbie for taking such lovely pictures :-)

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macow said...

Lovely indeed!!! Beautiful in fact. Makes me all the more determined to get a better camera - although having the eye for such shots doesn't neccesarily come WITH the purchase.
And DOme looks very tall.

macow said...

And excuse the spelling of Dom - interruption as I was typing :)

Matt said...

Debbie took nice photos in spite of the camera, rather than as a result of it :-) We had an old Sony cybershot camera that was super-reliable and wonderful, but after many years' use it finally gave up the ghost. We replaced it with a more modern model and sadly it takes less nice pictures (12mp instead of 3mp, but less reliably in focus, with good colour etc).

We plan to take our other nice camera to the beach again some time - Dom is very keen on the beach again, so we'll probably end up getting dragged there several times in the coming weeks.

Matt said...

Also, it's worth noting that these are the best shots out of about 120 photos taken in the space of 15 minutes. Rapid fire is a good approach with a digital camera :-)

macow said...

I thought that might be the case - both Debbie's ability and the rapid fire thingee, which I still haven't mastered (or mistressed or whatever :))