Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Worderific Content

I thought I should write something here, rather than simply post another picture. This may be slightly influenced by the lack of a suitable picture to post, but I won't comment on that. It's now Tuesday, which means that the Kapcon SDC is officially closed for K16. If anyone was to beg for an extension, the judge may be flexible. It also means that there are only, uh, 7 and a half days left of school for me. That time does contain a LOT of marking, as well as 2 prizegivings, which means a bunch of work for me. I'm not doing marking next year. Well, I'm probably not going to do marking next year. Never say never - if I need the money, it's not all that bad a way to earn some extra dosh. In unrelated and possibly uninteresting news, I spent a good part of yesterday's lesson (yes, there was only one) telling my class Japanese folk tales. I'm actually half way through the Tanuki Band of Shojoji Temple, which is one of my favourite tales. It's going over pretty well, much as it did in previous years. I'm really looking forward to hearing my class tell some stories - their choices are always very interesting. Sadly, the bell rings and I must depart. Fortunately, I remembered the meeting I have after school, and should still be here (rather than sneaking off home to mark). Is that fortunate? Probably. Laters y'all. Oh, and Children of Men is a good film. I was much enjoying him.


debbie said...

Him? You mean your crushing on Clive Owen?

Seraph said...

You're marking NCEA exam papers ???
Oh no ! Y'know - other staff keep telling me that it's really good PD ... but I get the feeling that it's a con to try and sucker me into having to mark a insane amount of exam papers in a ludicrously small amount of time as well ! I've never done any 'official' marking - and I don't know that I ever will. My pal from the English dept who's doing it this year looks like she wants to kill herself ! That's the kind of extra pressure I can do without. I'm bad enough with my normal marking !

Matt said...

Yeah, it is good PD in the sense that I now have a really good idea of the difference between level one and level two essays (I marked level one last year, level 2 this year).

It's hard, but not that bad really. At least only one person in our house is marking this year, and we have moved to a larger place with a whole room (and big dining table) to devote to storing the stuff.

I wouldn't exactly recommend it, and I'm probably not going to mark again next year (unless we need the $), but it's not a bad way to pick up an extra $2000 at the start of next year.

Seraph said...

Yes - two grand IS nice ...

You freaking deserve it is all I can say !