Mmmm, the weekend is just around the corner. Just one non-contact, one detention and 4 lessons to go. I am decidedly keen for this weekend to arrive.
This weekend Luke and Sam and Debbie and I are looking to take a tentative step towards restoring a fantastic tradition of the Mega Roleplaying Weekend. I only attended one of these, but it was a pretty awesome experience.
The system as I had it explained to me was that a whole heapin' bunch of people headed to a bach for the weekend, and gamed like crazy. Everyone had to bring something to run, and everyone had a lot of fun. There was some amount of drinking, running around on the beach, and general shenanigans, and people sleeping (or trying to) on the floor in cramped conditions. And a
lot of roleplaying.
There was even a cool larp run by the esteemed Mr Sands at the MRW I went to. I played a fake ambassador from Achach-achachach, who was actually a priest of Mammon. It was a lot of fun. There was even a tribe of mini-Pitts running around.
As a step towards or homage to the MRW, we're doing a cut-down, old working people type version. A bunch of people, several games, bbq, sleeping over, but not so full-on as the days of old.
I am greatly looking forward to it - it should be a blast! I'm going to be prepared to run something, but will happily just be a player. Especially if I can get into Jenni's
I Know, Right? game :)
I will book you a place in I Know, right?
Also, which MRW were you at? I can't think which one you would have been an ambassador for. What was I playing?
Your blog wants me to type yoczoib. This is my new favourite word.
The larp was a fantasy game run by Mike. Mark was running around dressed like a scotsman, with a big hammer. Matt White had the power to 'crush mens hearts' so long as he pulled a face and held up a crushing hand type gesture.
Mark would gain the strength of 20 men if he drank from his magic chalice.
I think there was a new King being crowned, or something?
Other than that, there was lots of gaming and drinking. I don't remember you being there, but then I don't remember you not being there either.
This was 'The Crowning of King Aethylred' where new King Dan Steadman had to figure lots of shit out. Jenni was the Queen, I think? I was the devious and perverted Baron who schemed and stuff. 'twas a cool game. This was way back in '96 I think...
Man, I don't really remember any of that stuff about the game. It sounds like it was fun, though.
In other signes my memory is going, I was sure you were at more than one, Matt.
'The Crowning of King Aethylred' Megaroleplaying Weekend was held 20-22 of February, 1998, just over 8 years ago. I know I've got a short writeup of it somewhere but at present I can only find the Black Newt Rising and Fistful of Doleros writeups, both from '97.
Now that I think about it, maybe I went to 2 MRWs. I have a feeling that maybe I was at one where I was too drunk to play in a live game?
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